A six years old girl said something which has been ringing in my ears for several weeks now and I thought to share it with us to learn and be inspired through it. She is the first of her mother and she has a little sister as well so when the mum was pregnant with the third she told her mum that she knows it's going to be a boy this time around and the mum was like how did you know that she simply said "Because I have prayed about it and I know God will give me a brother this time around" she said it confidently and assured throughout her mum pregnancy and low and behold...it's a boy! Glory be to God!

What strike my heart is the confidence and assurance that she had...she said ' I have prayed about it' she didn't doubt nor waiver..she knew she had prayed and that God surely answer and not only that she knew that whatever she ask in prayer without wavering or doubt that she will receive an answer. How many times have we prayed about something so passionately and even after we receive a word from the Lord we still going on thinking or imagining how God will do it. A lot of people approached the place of prayer with uncertainty and just mumbled words to God with no real exceptactions from God. A lot prayed with no faith or confidence that God answers prayer and that he said our exceptactions will not be cut short.

Minutes after prayers some become worried on how and when God will do it; just like that little innocent girl the Lord except us to approach his throne in holiness, simplicity and faith knowing well that He is a God that answers prayer. Just like that girl who after praying didn't worry but trust God for her answer; the Lord want us to trust in him this season to answer our prayers in his own way and style and also to take our burdens to him in prayers and leave it there. The bible says;
"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Mark 11:24
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

Today I pray that the Lord will give you the grace to approach his throne of mercy with full assurance in your heart that God hears and that He grants the desires of his children if only we can ask and believe.

Oluwatoyin Fatunsin.