It’s exciting to be with you again on this 3rd edition. The lord has been faithful and he will ever be, he however seeks from us our own faithfulness. He demands our attention in all we do and needs our heart so that he can lead us to be the wives and mothers he wants us to be in life. It takes the help of God without which we can do nothing but he leaves the choices to us.

  On this edition we will be shedding more light on choices. We all have the freedom of choices and the complete package of their consequences as well. Our choices are a part of us and they affect our destiny either positively or negatively. They determine our destiny. Use that power to choose in the will of God and He will surely direct your path in life.

    “Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking you in life? What do your attitudes demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?” Eric Allenbaugh.

Jesus was praying at a time close to his death. He had a choice to quit in the process of our redemption, his will cried out to opt out because he was in agony and pain but he let the will of God overrule his will. That was the best choice he made if not we will not be saved today. Jesus made a right though painful choice but it was the best and it was the will of God ….. Mattew26: 36-41

  “Every choice you make has an end result.”  Zig Ziglar     

God gave to each human being the power to choose: so we choose between evil and good in our decisions in life.

   Refuse the evil, and choose the good. [Isaiah 7:15]”

 To refuse the evil might actually look foolish to the world but it’s the wisest thing to do with God.           As wives and mothers to be, we need to be able to discern between the good and the dad at every junction of decision. The Holy Spirit who should be your senior partner will be the one at those junctions to tell you what to do but it’s only if you possess him and allow him to direct you.

Rachael is a typical example. She came out at the right time to meet her husband-to-be whom she didn’t know as at then (Genesis29; 6-12). Though Laban tricked Jacob yet Rachael became Jacob’s wife and a mother at the time appointed of God. The lord favored Jacob and was by him while he worked with Laban, her father through tough times and made him rich. Even though he was tricky yet God kept them.

 However with all the goodness of God Rachael had enjoyed she was soon to start making critical choices. Rachael didn’t have children and could not be a mother early. In response to her plight, she gave Jacob her slave girl to bear children for her. She was too hasty to wait for God’s appointed time.  I believe she must have doubted God so she went after her own ‘gods’ to have children because of the situation in the home with her sister Leah.

I don’t know what you are passing through now that you are about to or already making an alternative for God. Those alternatives are not original let God help you in that situation. Let him give you the original. Where are the women who do not mind waiting on God like Hannah, Elizabeth and Mary? She needed faith and spiritual insight to understand and see what God was preparing for her: a seed of destiny; Joseph.

 Rachael eventually couldn’t leave those idols, she was so attached to them that she stole her father’s as they left … Genesis 31:19.  What are you so attached to that you cannot leave behind for God: habits, friends, worldly things, affairs, associations or attractions?

   If she had an understanding of the destiny seed in her and the power of God she won’t have carried those idols. If she had believed in the God of the whole Universe or had known the consequence of carrying the idols; death, she won’t have carried those idols.

Ruth chose to carry those idols with her to their destination even though she didn’t know where they were heading to. She cherished it so much that she lied to the owner: her father, while he searched for it. Genesis 31:34-36. Consequently, a curse of death was placed on the thief (Rachael). She definitely felt smart thinking no one saw her but God did .She forgot that the all seeing God detests idols in his camp. I don’t know what you have with you now, yours might not be a physical hand-crafted idol, it could be thoughts, deeds, actions, habits or lifestyles that do not delight God.

 Dinah was a daughter of destiny just as you are. God had plans for her future; to be a wife and mother in his will at his appointed time but her thoughts was for the world. She left her camp and was defiled. The Holy Spirit would have warned her but she never listened and that was the end of her story. You will never be forgotten in Jesus name.

Lots wife was another bitter example. They were all instructed not to take anything out of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord guided them out but she carried Sodom in her heart. She couldn’t just leave it behind .She didn’t carry any physical thing but her heart carried it. She looked back because that was where her heart was, instead of looking up to the mountains, their destination and to God. She was instantly destroyed: turned into a pillar of Salt.

Wives and mothers of tomorrow you will not be destroyed. Don’t carry the past with you. Don’t carry that sinful life with you. Don’t carry those bad habits with you.

 What are you carrying in your heart that is an abomination to your maker? God is set to make you new, let him lead you to his destination for you. He knows your future. Let go and let God. You must fulfil that God given destiny on earth therefore you must allow God to direct all that concerns you. Proverbs 3; 5-8 says

  Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to your body, and strength to your bones.”

 You have just this life to live, live it right. Make the right choice to carry God with you instead of those idols of the heart and you will see him helping you in life. Ruth made the right choice and she fulfilled destiny despite her sorrowful past.  The lord is interested in your case. He wants you to be the wife and mother he desires. He wants you to always yield to the Holy Spirit in the issues of life. You will need him as you journey in life. He wants you to carry him in your heart all the days of your lives. It’s your choice: choose who will occupy that heart of yours today. Your heart is precious to God!


“Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold “
(Proverbs 8:10)

 “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver”( Proverb 16:16)

 “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: Therefore choose life.” [Deuteronomy 30:19]